What a day in a rehab centre looks like

What a day in a rehab centre looks like


Your day will typically follow a structured routine, the theory being that routine and consistency (and not having to make as many decisions throughout your day) will help support your recovery.

What your day entails will vary based on the rehab centre and its approach, your addiction, and your personal circumstances.



Your Morning

You’ll generally wake up at a set time each morning. You may be provided with medications if you have been prescribed. For example, a doctor at a rehab centre may provide you with a medication to manage withdrawal symptoms or to treat mental health conditions.

After breakfast you will likely attend your first session of the day, such as group therapy. You may be given a break during the session to reflect on any skills you learned during the session.

Your Afternoon

You’ll attend another session after lunch, such as individual therapy. You could be given free time after this to pursue an activity or interest, such as a fitness session (physical exercise can help manage mood swings during withdrawal) or perhaps just some relaxation time to read or listen to music.

You might attend an educational course in late afternoon. Many rehab centres offer educational sessions on various subject matters related to recovery, such as mental health, nutrition, life structure and how to set and stick to routines.

Your Evening

After dinner you will perhaps end your day with another group session to reflect on your progress so far and how you feel about all you experienced throughout the day. There will be. Many rehab centres will have a set time for getting to bed – you will be encouraged to get to sleep at a regular time to help settle into your structured routine.