About Rehab-Online

Welcome to the UK’s leading Directory of Residential Rehabilitation services for Drug & Alcohol. First launched in partnership with the then National Treatment Agency in 2010, Rehab-Online has been providing data services to the public, service providers and addiction professionals for 10yrs. Designed, developed and maintained by Pavilion Publishing & Media Ltd with 30yrs+ experience of supporting the care sector. Rehab-Online is the only independent Directory that offers a comprehensive listing of all specialist providers and the services they offer together with their notified vacancies. There is no charge for this standard listing and all qualified providers are included together with their notified vacancies’ when they occur.

Rehab-online exists to assist families, individuals and professionals to find the support and help they need when they need it. We aim to make a difference by making relevant, accurate information and data available to those that require it. Please feel free to get in touch if you have any suggestions, feedback and advice on how we might improve Rehab-online.

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Our independence is at the core of Pavilion’s ethos, as such transparency and openness is essential for such services as Rehab-online. As such, we do not charge providers for their standard listing, nor do we charge referral fees or charges to the public who need to use this service.

For providers who wish to enhance their profile and publish their achievements more widely we offer a number of packages that are uniquely personalised to effectively showcase your message across the Rehab-online community. There are a number of options available to promote your organisation and the services you provide – from banner and advertising spaces, enhanced social media outreach, newsletter sponsorship, case studies and best practice guides, on-line events, and knowledge sharing publications.

Please contact us if you wish to discuss your requirements for an enhanced media support package.

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